Monday, May 10, 2010

Beat the Heat

Lot of resorts have mushroomed in and around Bangalore. This mainly serve corporate customers. Some of the companies take the employees to these places for a days outing once in a while. Apart from food they provide lot of facilities like games, swimming pool and host of other amenities. (Click on the images for bigger picture)

These resorts have also started to cater to the family crowd.

With the temperature going as high as 36 degree centigrade in Bangalore, these places are ideal getaways for a fee.
My family along with my friends family ventured to explore one such resort on a weekday.

Luckily on the day we were the only people in the resort. We had good fun with the kids spending more than 5 hours in the pool. The place had water slides, pools of various sizes, play area.

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